
donderdag 29 januari 2009

Under Your Skin...

With becoming more aware, more intuitive you'll start to notice that you perceive things differently...

You make different decisions and the decisions you make are taken in a different way, they're a mixture of the synchronicities the Universe shows you, merged with a certain knowing, blend with your soul purpose & worthy ideals conceived to that what makes you thick.

The decision you make are made in a way that they clearly benefit a greater meaning to your life, they benefit the bigger picture.. Life is about decision making, there is no other way to move forward you see..

You either do this or you choose that, there is always a decision to be made. It's even a decision to make no decision, the only thing with that is that you'll be put on hold..You'll stay in between and nothing really happens..

No, a decision is about choice, about free will & love, it's about where do you choose for, it's about to cut things off and let nothing else come in between...

But to really cut things off, for the reason of choice that is in favour of your decision, that particular reason has got to be under your skin.. A decision take from that point of view is always a connected decision taken from the heart of hearts. There is simply no other way to make a proper decision.

And to make a proper decision you include the points given to you, once you get more aware you start to see the synchronicities, you start to see the bigger picture, in a way you could say.. You start to see the stepstones through life..

Maybe you remember the movies of Indiana Jones.. At some point in one of them he has to cross a ravine. With all the blind faith he can grab together he's pushed according the circumstances to make the decision to move forward. Being earlier said to him that he should have faith and that the bridge to cross would be shown to him..

He set one step forward and what happens.. The first step he takes is not making him tumbling down into the ravine but is steadily caring his foot followed by his body and he's able to walk and move forward..

Making a guided decision is kind of similar process.. once made there's a way to follow, a path leading you towards where you want to go.. even when you leave people behind you know it's good...

Decisions like that can be hard, though to go through, fearful or even heart breaking....

Due to the fact they serve a larger benefit, it's best choice for all involved and will keep you on the road to where you really want to be, you make them. All from the point and the plane of plenty.. and knowing there is a time for everything and a reason for everything, for every person, for every experience, for every decision..

Just knowing that when the time is there, everything, every person, every situation who touched your soul or is encraved in your heart, what ever you ever left behind due to a guided decision will be looking around the corner again.. Have faith in your guided decision.. I do, because I know...

It's got to be under your walk the extra mile and connected to the heart of hearts to hold on...and to be able to really cut things off...

If not, a decision is poorly taken when you come back to it.. You step back into your C-Zone, you let yourself pulling downwards by others who mock you, ridicule your decision or try to manipulate you.. you start to look for arguments why you came back at it...

But it's you, you're the only person who made the decision... When something can come in between...If you are coming back to your decision.. you just know.. it's wasn't a guided decision....Why?

A really guided decision makes you step through every possible boundary & every thinkable C-Zone.. Nothing can come in between, no situation, no person, no thing.... You keep on going until you are precisely there where you really want to be.. because there is nothing else you can think about.. it's under your skin..

It's got to be under your skin, whatever you do..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


zondag 25 januari 2009

Cup Cake

You're a Cup Cake..

What ever you think you are... You're a Cup Cake..I know, right now you think.. I am what..?

You read it good, you're a Cup Cake..

Let me explain a bit here.. If you are born, you're like a blanc page to this Universe, the world we live in..

You are in the possesion of a small body, that can literally learn anything it wants to learn, that is open and ready to receive and build programs for daily use in daily life.

The body you posses, is build out of new fresh constructed blanco cells initiated by 2 very small energy particals only visible through a strong microscope.

You might consider them like 2 small kind of microchips carrying all the information about your father and your mother until that particular moment available, including all their beliefs, likes, dislikes, communication styles, behaviour, looks, measurements, just every bit and piece of information about your mom and dad is on those two cells...

When you are born and just facing this world, your body is able to feel but lacks the ability to explain, your body is able to move but lacks the ability to move coördinated along the given thought to do so..etc etc...

This is you, this is me, this is him, her, them, they and everyone else..

Once you where a similar blanc page...

You could say, you where like an empty cup.. having enough empty space for all kinds of ingredients to settle and blend to become the Cup Cake you are today..

Never thought about it..?

In fact... You are nothing more nothing less then the sum of every idea, belief, behaviour, condition & thoughts you have either accepted or who where a part of your daily environment where you grew up or hung around...

The key question is here.. is being the cup cake who you are suiting you..? Are you satisfied with your life..? Are you satisfied with the results you are getting along living it..?

Are you...? I'm not. I'm never satified..

I mean.. common.. satisfied..? Would you really want to be satisfied if you would know where it led you..? Personally..., I don't think so..

Have you ever looked around you and noticed all these incredible inventions we are surrounded with..? What is the main reason we have all these inventions..? Satisfaction..?

Satisfaction to me is like a coma to real life, satisfaction is like putting a hold, a ceiling, on your personal growth, development and therefor in your expression and expansion of your desires, wants & c-zones..

It's too comfortable, to be satisfied.. it's not going to take you somewhere else then where you are right now.. To my personal feeling it's one of the worst things to be satified, it's a dangerous place to hang out......

I am Grateful. I am grateful for all that I have, for all that I may experience, for every thought I get, for every person I meet, for everything I have, for everything I ever may have, get or want or meet... Just for everything I am grateful. Not satisfied..

So being the Cup Cake who I was did not satisfy me, not when I was doing gymnastics, not when I was performing dance or sport aerobics, not when I was inventing glow in the dark piercings, and not nowadays with all the things I do...

It's why I still make the progress I make... it's why I still expand in awareness, knowledge and wisdom, it's why I still have a greater and increasing ability to express myself... It's why I keep getting better and better at things, it's why I am spiraling upwards and onwards...

Always renewing the cup cake who I am, cause old cup cakes just don't taste that good as fresh baked ones... agreed..?

Become a Fresh Cup Cake.. You'll taste better & life will be sweeter to you...

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


donderdag 22 januari 2009

Heart of Hearts...

When I was a child and someone really had hurt my feelings very deeply, when I felt really sad and blue... or alone...I could feel it in my heart.. like it was schrinking & left a whole behind..if you felt it deep in your soul..

Like that particular place, where your heart is, said; I'm the connection between the soul & your body...

The first time I saw Paul Martinelli telling about the heart of hearts, the place where the soul is seated according to the ancient Greek.. that feeling was instantly I got to think about..

Now.., I think that the soul is seated in every cell of my body but I also think that the centre of the soul IS in your heart, like it's one of the main centres in your physical body that keeps it alive and connected to your soul..

As you know, without a heartbeat you can be pretty but you're dropdead gorgeous..

I mean when you're happy and feeling good, you feel it in every cell of your body.. You feel bliss and you feel glory, you feel like you're bursting of energy like the sun shines from your belly. You feel energetic like you could tackle the entire world in one slice.. It makes you move, it makes you want to spread the word..

Happiness is a key factor in my life, I'm a very happy person by nature...Where does my happiness come from..? Honestly it comes from just being grateful for all that just is... once you're on that plane, you start to notice all magic & miracles in life dear.. ..;-o)

I feel very grateful for all that I am, I am that, I am...for all, each and everything that I experience, for all that I have and for all that I can give..When I wake up in the morning, ready to start a new day, I open my eyes and think... This day is going to bring me another wonderful miraculous adventure.

It makes me happy to see how wonderful everything just is. Nothing more, nothing less. Period.

All by myself I am like Alice in Wonderland... I see the wonders, I see the miracles & the magic.. and I love it. I love to wake up in the morning and hear the birds singing their song for me. Seeing the first morning light, or just looking at the sky and see the most fantastic creatures appearing with you look at the clouds..

Or when you think about someone who passed away and just when you turn on the radio, that particular song both of you loved is played.. your child who wakes up and tells you the bést mommy they ever got (like they have at least a dozen more in the closet), the water that comes just straight from the tap, all the inventions you think about; how in heavens name could one think of something like that.. just Miraculous..

Believe me, there IS so much to be grateful for, just only for the fact it IS there.. or it isn't even there and still IS...That makes you think... At least, that makes me think...if it's there without even being there, then what's more..?

There is so much more... and you'll find it only if you let you guide yourself through your heart of hearts..

Listen to that little voice, that voice you probably most of the time push away..(as I did before too) In the sense that your ratio takes the overhand.. you start to realize things.. well a wise man once said to me.. Rea Lies to the Mind..

I have to admit, that oneliner got me many hours to think about it... To come to the final conclusion that Rea indeed IS lying to the mind... it's a bigger truth then you might recognize at the moment...

That's all..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


dinsdag 20 januari 2009

Karmic Lessons & Karmic Riddles..

To be where I am right now meant for me that I had to go through quiet some hard & harsh lessons this past year alone already.

Karmic lessons that, after all only have strenghtened my motivation to be really free what ever that meant.. Even when it meant I lost my house, my husband, my relation and the rest of my security's...

I already lost myself, what was the worsed next thing that could happen to me.. Getting broke..?

With many hurdles to take, hubbles to jump over or bumb into, I now truly can say; I got myself, I'm back & I am free and I precisely know where I am and where I want to go..

I tell you, Karma does repeat itself until the lesson truly IS learned, until full insight is gained...

I went through several somekind of 'Groundhog Day Periods' in my life.

The relation I was in, could be the guitar with broken strings where John Legends sings about in a wonderful duet..You can't play with broken strings.. the song jingles through my mind and also get's me to think.. Soo True.

Sometimes you obviously have to go several times through the same kind of situation.. when you finally decide it's enough, when you finally take that one step that sets you free.. The step that makes you go through another boundary zone, one of your neglected C-Zones in my case..

Striving for freedom in your life does not automatically mean you take everyone with you into your new reality, you new discovered truth. It could be the case that you have to let go of people you love but who just cannot give you the freedom you need.

It's not a question of asking to anyone: Hey, listen... I want to be free, are ya commin' with me..Wanna be free too..?

No, it's ones heart burning desire wanting to be free, it is something that comes from your soul.

I cannot remember not wanting to be free, I always wanted to be free, I'm a free spirit, only recently I found out what that really means to me.

If you really start listening to your souls desire, the little voice that comes from deep within and keeps on telling you what you already know, you will come to some point it's the only thing you keep on listening too, you might be even unaware of doing so....

I admit, I tried to long. I tried to explain what freedom meant to me to the outside of me.. That it didn't mean anyone was going to loose me by letting me go. I just had to be free, free to speak, free to be silent, free to stay, free to go, free to not say anything about my day, free to say everything about my day, free to love and free to life just free..

The Freedom issue really is a thing that probably most people fear. I kind of feared it..

Wanting to be free but jumping back into their C-Zones like rabbits, because of all the material stuff they gathered to surround them over the years.. Or because of them being parents having children not wanting them to go through a divorce..Staying in such a vibe maybe for years, downsizing every bit of positive energy and not making any decision at all in the end.

I've been there.. thinking like that kept me where I was.... And keeping on thinking like that brought me the same results over and over again..

What is worse..? I asked myself at some point.. Waking up one day and realizing my life is over without being lived to the fullest I ever could..? Or drawing (my) kids through a divorce, that even they asked for themselves, so their parents would less argue.. and giving me back my freedom in life.

Become really and truly free is a process, a process that can take years.. a process that also can be fulfilled in days. There is no certain period standing for fulfilment in this case.

Once I decided that I would focus on purely the things that would I really loved to do, it meant freedom to me and I started noticing that really everything around me changed.

I lost people around me, who I considered to be friends and with whom I worked very closely, I gained new friends, I lost believes, I got many new insights, I lost projects that brought me income, I gained projects out of the blueand many more strange and wonderful things happened..

Step by step I took back my freedom, just by focusing on the things I love to do brought this much distortion in my relation that in the end I could only think.. Boy,.. what would it be a relief if I would be by myself and free from all the distortion and arguements, free from the negative vibes..

And step by step I really got ready to learn my Karmic Lessons, which wasn't even one. I went through several. I had to learn to listen to my gut feeling, I had to learn to listen to my intuition and more important I had to learn to trust it straight away and no matter what.

At first I couldn't, I've been intuitive my entire life, but I've felt for a long time I needed confirmation first before I could trust on my own intuition and act on it.. That changed totally around.

To learn this, I had to go through several negative and hurtful situations you rather like to find in someone elses life, in Peyton Place probably, but certainly not in yours.

Situations in which the biggest lies became the biggest truths and vice versa.

But I came back stronger then ever, with an dramatically increased sense, awareness and intuition. I found out by experience that the paradigm you live in is either changed by trauma, which can be a Karmic Lesson as in my case, or by growth intended by the individual asking as also in my case.

I reasoned that I better should use my intuition where I got it for.. as all my other intellectual increase my awareness and to solve these Karmic riddles that where a part of my life.

Another Karmic Riddle, as I prefer to call those lessons in life most people call Karma, was that I really had to learn I could do everything by myself.

Which means to me that I have the power to attract exactly that into my life I am asking for, in a consciouss way. I am the one that creates my reality, so I am the one who can transform my reality to a different and more compatible one. I can, you can too.

Being fully aware of this new insight I had... moved me in the state of Inductive Reasoning my entire environment... What did suit me in my Life Purpose and what didn't suit me. Who did suit me in my Life Purpose and who didn't..

What & who does suit your life purpose is not always found on the surface and vice versa.

Going through these major Karmic Lessons & solving the Karmic Riddle at that point made me behave differently, as I behaved when I was still a child. Not childish, but merely like my childhood idea's about who I was and what I liked most where desperately looking for recognition on the surface of my life.. And I just followed that to get back into my flowride again.. And that my dear reader, is where I am right now..

You see, MoneyMagnetizing your Life is in the First Place about You, about Me, about who you on a soul level want to be.

It's not about the money... You'll find out, if you keep following this blog, that it indeed never is about the money.. not even for the money printers and publishers.. and also not for me.. ;-o)x

It's about the Heart of Hearts.... and your ability to truly listen to what it says..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


maandag 19 januari 2009


What always is chanting in my head are a couple of words Bob Proctor always refers too, and I've also heard David Icke saying it many times..It goes like this:

If I want to Be Free, I gotta Be Me, I don't have to Be someone else wants me to Be, I don't have to Be who my children want me to Be or who my husband wants me to Be.. If I want to Be Free, I gotta Be Me..

I am Free... It's not that that happened overnight and it certainly wasn't always the case...Though I thought I was, I wasn't...

There really have been times and situations in which I thought I was free, while the only thing I could think of was what I could loose in material stuff if I decided

In meantime I was loosing myself and nothing else then myself and no one did that to me, I did it myself, ... bit by bit, day by day, I thought was myself, I wasn't choosing for myself....

Until one day, about a year ago, I woke up one morning, just like every other day and then it hit me..

Maybe I dreamed about it, maybe due to the ongoing and many arguments in my life and relationship, the neverending conversations about our relation, everlasting accusations of playing around, maybe due to the into oblivious kind of controlling kgb/cia habbitual virus my husband seemed to be infected with, or because of not being trusted and being watched like an eagle..

The thing is, I woke up and I really started to wake up.. Was this the life I always saw myself living.. nah.. it didn't even came close.. I decided it had to be different.. I drew the map.

Like I had somekind of a wake up call.. Whoop Whoop there it was... And it didn't let go..

What did those words mean to me, if I want to be Free, I got to Be Me, what did Bob's eternally and always repeated rhyme actually mean to me...?

Was I as free as I wanted to be?

No, certainly not...I luckily noticed.. and finally came to the conclusion that I felt completely wrapped in a marriage that was a true farce, with a husband who I liked more being gone then having around, I felt drowned and wasted. I totally did not feel free. This wasn't me as I knew me..

Me, who always followed her nose, who always expected the unexpected, me who wanted to see the world, me who was unstoppable, driven, focused, followed her gut and used to be in the flow..

Where was me..? And was this the me I always wanted to be..? How did I end up where I was..? And why..?

It's only since then I really started to think about what freedom actually means. To me it means this:

Freedom in my life, means that I want to be free to do, to say, to go, to stay, to be and to be with anything and/or anyone I want, whenever, however, how many, how much I'd like to do, to say, to go, to stay and to be and to be with. I decide, I choose, it's my life. Despite of all the withcoming consequenses, my freedom is totally holy ground to me.

If I can't express myself the way I am, the real me, that what makes me Me, being Me without being accused for all sorts of things, without crashing into another word fight or disastreus evening arguing about what I want and feel is best for me...

.... there will be a moment at some point that I make a decision. A real decision, one you never come back to, that will make a change.

Just recently I took such a decision. The decision to choose for myself and my kids, to quit a marriage that actually never was one.. And you know what..

And a burden fell from my shoulders and freedom came in again, knowing I made the rigth decision. Even while I'm not able to look further then the horizon of today. I took the shot and I know everything will be available for me right at the time it's most welcome..! And it is.

If a situation or person means stagnation of my freedom, my development or in my infinite growth, I'm not going to wait around until one really understands. I just let go and move on, even when it breaks my heart... Neither am I going to fill in someone elses lack of trust in the world surrounding him, not my responsibility. (been there done that, didn't work) Period.

You see.. the only way living butterflies are captured and caught being truly beautiful, is when they are flying freely.. When touched at their fragile wings they loose their ability to fly & to be the beautiful butterfly they are..

I'm like such a butterfly, at her best while flying and exploring freely and without being held back, always looking for the brightest, the best and most colourful flowers around.. enjoying the play dance of sunbeams warming her wings..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


Why You Should Become a Money Magnet... Lesson nr.1

This morning I had to go to the dentist with my daughter, while driving on the road the following thought was captured by me..

How come people give so much attention to money, either negative or positive.. what attraction does that stuff have....

I mean, basically it's nothing different then the loyalty points you get at the grocery store when you buy enough or come regurlarly at the particular store..

Somehow many people seem to be distracted by money alone this much that they obviously do everything they can think of to get it..

While the most important thing they should be focused upon is actually most of the time out of order, forgotten or degraded to the status of; will do that when I got the money...

It what I see happening around me all the time, people working their ass off for money, complaining all the time they don't make enough money, always stating something is too expensive... all negativity when it comes to what money means to them, or what they should do to get it...

They seem to think, or tend to think they think, money is something so precious and valueable you should give your life for it by working your ass off on jobs you don't like, by doing things you never would do if you had money...

What a bunch of oxymorons..!!! And I tell you.. the world knows many of those...

I rather give my life for doing the things, having the memories, having the relations, having the fun, joy, blister & life money can't buy..! Why..? Simply.. I rather look back on a life having it all..

Including the money...

You see.. I've never done anything 'for the money', which doesn't mean I don't earn money...

Lesson nr. 1.. Earning money can be something totally different then doing something 'for the money'..

Most people say they work for the money, because they have their regular and average costs to pay like mortgages, insurances, food, clothes.. Because if they don't work for their money, they can't pay their mortgage, insurance, food, cloths is their answer in average when you ask them.. where they work for..

You can live like this, you can stand this probably your entire life and considering at the end.. In my life everything was just not really enough to feel good or be happy...

See what they actually say...? If something, that is outside of you, is just not enough to make you feel happy or good...then you actually say is this; I've been scraping my entire life, looking on the outside, and I'm still not feeling happy or good... and the end is in my sight..

What if I told you.. Every coin has two sides.. Also the money issue coin.. the how to make money, the decision to work for the money or having the money working for you.. (which should be the case honestly)

Money is just something that is trade between people & services and vice versa. If you look a bit closer to that statement, you should notice that money should never be valued anymore then being a physical way to show your services rendered...

Right..? Right.

When You still work for your money, you basically are saying; Money is my boss... I work for it.
In that case, you are obedient to the money... you obay the money.. You the servant... Now is that something you would trade your life for..? Being a servant..? For

That is sad... Even when you're the boss in a firm, self employed, manager or what ever... If your life is all about being a servant to money..You'll never be free and you'll be always craving for something that is missing in your life..

The other side of the coin is; if you have your money working for you.. money is obedient to you, it's in it's right place where it should be, it's a servant and you are the boss..

Now to have your money working for you, you got to have money... in the first place.. But to get money to have it working for you, consider that your ideas and beliefs on what money is, how it's made, how to get it have to be transformed..

Why do I have to transform my idea about money..? Are you still working for your money..? Yes? Ok, there you have the answer to your question...

I hear your thoughts.. how do I do this, how do I change this around.. ?

Honestly, I could tell you.. but I won't.

You see, to you it would not make any difference at all to your life at this moment, if I would tell you rigth now the how's.. It's not going to change instantly, so I would suggest you keep this blog in your sight and keep on following it..

It's a process of growth, insights & development applied to your daily life, one step at the time, ongoing.. neverending & without the option of going choose..

In mean time you can follow me in Twitter or connect with me in Ecademy and get to know me better, to pick my brain & to attach to my vibes.. See you on the other side of the moon..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter