
maandag 28 maart 2011

Just Do It...!

De afgelopen 2 jaar is er ontzettend veel verandert in mijn leven.. Ik ben door een 'hell van een scheiding' gegaan, ik heb het zelfs een aantal maanden moeten stellen zonder enige vorm van inkomen en met tóch 4 kinderen waar ik de verantwoordelijkheid over heb..

Gestaag klim ik weer uit het dal omhoog.. Hoewel ik de afgelopen twee jaar op fantastische wijze ondersteunt ben door vrienden, familie en zelfs zaken relaties ben ik erg blij dat stukje bij beetje ik weer grip krijg op mijn leven, op mijn inkomen en op alles wat bij een 'klassieke' scheiding komt kijken..

Maar ik ben een blij mens, ik ben dankbaar voor alles wat ik heb meegemaakt, het heeft me gebracht tot waar ik nu bén.. Ik ben een happy single mama 3.0 en ik doe wat ik leuk vind en iedere dag word ik wakker met een enorme levenslust, een lach op mijn gezicht en met de gedachte... 'Wat een Prachtige Dag is het toch weer...! Wat kan ik doen om het nog beter te maken..?

En juist om die laatste vraag gaat het vandaag.. Wat kan ik doen om vandaag nóg beter te maken... Voor Jou...?


Ik begon vorig jaar dit blog te schrijven met het idee een blog te schrijven die niet over geld zou gaan maar wel die titel droeg.. Want om geld in essentie, lieve mensen gáát het niet..! Ik ben het levende voorbeeld daarvan..!

Maar geld is wél datgene waar we het liefst allen veel van in onze 'pocket' hebben... 'Money makes the world go around.. is een veel gehoord spreekwoord en in wezen is dat ook zo..

Want met geld in je bezit kan je jezelf van alles en nog wat veroorloven... immers.. Al was het maar een lekker ontspannen dagje sauna, een leuke nieuwe outfit, dagje shoppen in NY, weekje op vakantie en voor de heren de laatste gadgets..

Geld is niets anders dan een vorm van energie.. en komt meer en meer op je pad in de mate waarin jij jezelf waardeert.. en in de mate waarin jij zelf focust op het hebben van meer geld, want daar waar jou focus ligt is ook wat groter wordt immers..

Maargoed, even terug naar de vraag waar het om gaat vandaag.. Wat kan ik doen om vandaag nog beter te maken..? Dat zal ik je vertellen..

Gisteravond laat om 23.00 trok ik de stoute schoenen aan en belde ik Pieter Monsma op, enigszins nerveus .. want ja.. ik belde wel een voor mij volslagen vreemde erg laat op zondag avond.. Maar op de één of andere manier hád ik het gevoel.. Toch Doen.. Just Do It...!!

Dus ik belde hem op en zei.. Ik dacht als jij denkt dat je maar 30% doet van wat je kan, dan kan ik je toch best bellen om 11 uur s'avonds op zondag avond...?

Pieter lag in een deuk en een ontzettend leuk, informeel gesprek volgde en ik heb tegen Pieter tegen het hart gedrukt en gezegd..: “Ik vind jou doelstelling zo belangrijk, ik vind je boodschap zó essentieel dát ik met jou mee doe...!! 

Ik weet waar PASSIE toe kan leiden, uit eigen ervaring.. De enige dingen die ik doe, doe ik omdat ik er een PASSIE mee heb én met mijn passie voor datgene wat ik altijd heb gedaan ben ik altijd in de top terecht gekomen van dat waar mijn passie in lag.... Kies voor Passie, Kies voor Jezelf, Kies voor je Heart desire.. 

Wie is in hemelsnaam Pieter Monsma hoor ik je denken.. Pieter is de Passioneel, de Friese Boer in hart en nieren én dé man die aankomend weekend het evenement met Peak Potentials Founder, serial entrepreneur en multi miljonair T.Harv Eker organiseert. Een 3-daags seminar, The Millionaire Intensive.. Op vind je alle informatie over het evenement..

Wat ik kan doen om jou dag nóg beter te maken...? Ik mag van Pieter ,omdat ik gewoon de stoute schoenen aan trok.. , een x aantal Bronze Tickets voor dit evenement weg geven..! Deze tickets zijn kosteloos..

Ik mag er net zoveel weg geven als ik wil.. dus ik ga je niet vervelen met welke marketing trick dan ook....Dat ik er zovele had en er nog maar een paar over heb.... Ook is het niet zo dat het evenement niet loopt.. in tegendeel....!

Nee.. ik mag er net zoveel als ik wil weggeven...Misschien wel 500 of 1000 Maar... ik mag ze alleen aan die mensen weggeven die net als ik..

De stoute schoenen gewoon aan trekken omdat ze ergens voelen.. Ik WIL hier naar toe, ik WIL dit doen...! Heb jij dat gevoel ergens in je..? WIL jij graag maar steken de argumenten de kop op..?

Bob Proctor heeft mij ooit persoonlijk geleerd hoe ik een besluit kon nemen, een ijzersterke methode die ik tot op de dag van vandaag toepas... Deze methode van besluit vorming zal jouw leven veranderen en het gaat als volgt:

Ik stel je 4 vragen die jij aan JEZELF kan stellen...., en wanneer JOUW antwoord op de EERSTE 3 vragen JA is en op de laatste vraag NEE... Dan neem je het besluit, je gaat ervoor en komt er niet meer op terug..!

  1. WIL ik dit doen, hebben of zijn...?
  2. Brengt dit doen, hebben of zijn mij dichter bij mijn doelstelling..?
  3. IS dit doen, hebben of zijn in harmonie en evenwicht met de goddelijke of universele wetten?
  4. Zal dit doen, hebben of zijn de rechten van anderen beschadigen of anderen schade toebrengen..?

Stel deze 4 vragen aan JEZELF..! Als jou antwoord JA is op de EERSTE 3 vragen én NEE op de laatste vraag..?

Neem dan NU het besluit om mij een mail te sturen met jouw contact gegevens en met het aantal kaarten (min. 2) die jij wilt ontvangen..! Just Do It..!

ovv. Millionaire Mind Intensive

donderdag 23 december 2010

Christmas Magic & Miracles

When I look outside, my world is covered with snow and ice... 

But when I look inside, my world is covered with love and light.. Miraculous things happen in my life all the time...

When I think about Christmas, I see the entire world behaving it self, the entire world is covered in love and care, it's bathing in innocense and forgiveness... For a couple of days my world has turned into the world I would like to keep for ever...

Christ consciousness enmass appears, a consciousness I would like to ask you to keep and share every day, to everyone.. The appreciation and the gratefulness I feel and see, I would like to see every day...

Miracles and Magic seems to appear frequently, more then in any other time of the year, during Christmas time.

Perhaps because you allow it to happen due to the fact you let go of that what was blocking you to receive your miracle or to see the magic around you..

Maybe you got rid of you negative emotions and made place for positive thoughts and feelings, that opened up the gates to heaven...

I don't know what it was that prevented you from seeing the magic and miracles anyway... Because they do come randomly and they do come the entire year...., if you allow them to come, if you allow yourself to see them and if you allow them to happen...

What I do know is that if you can see them now and if you allow it now, you can see them basically always and you can allow it to happen always...

Wouldn't that be the greatest present you could get...?

Now I'm asking you to allow this present in your life every day... Since there is no greater present for you to share and to give, not only to yourself but also to your world...

You are the Miracle, already by excistence..., You are the Magic, already by Being.... The only thing you have to do, is to allow it to be everyday... The only thing you have to do is to share it every day....

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas.... Every Day...
I'm wishing you the Greatest Gift of All, I'm wishing you the Love in Your World, I'm wishing you All the Best for what the Best is for You....

And I really hope you will embrace all of this in the New Year to come...

The Year of 2011...

A Year that stand for a New Beginning, a Year that stands for Mastery of Self... I wish you to Master Your Self in the Year to Come.. I wish you to Greatest Gift of All, I wish You to Love Your Self as anyone should Love their Self... and all that Self experiences..

I wish you to see all of Self, I wish you to see and feel that your Self is no different from my Self and anyone else his or her Self... or maybe we should say Soul..

We are the Self, we are the Soul, we are made out of Love and our Life should actually represent that what we really love... to do or to be...

In this Year to Come, 2011, I wish your Self to Express it Self in Love, Joy , Abundance that You are and I wish you will share this in Your Life, your Earthbound Experience.... as it's not only your right to do so, it's your Duty ...

Be and Love Your Self & Fulfill your Dreams and Destiny

Have a Miraculous Christmas & a Magical 2011

zaterdag 14 maart 2009

KISS ME, It's Possible... ;-o)

What ever happens, always keep on smiling.. The Famous One Liner a dutch red wigged tv clown always would say when something happened that wasn't in the line of the expectations, when something went wrong or nobody turned up being an audience..

I know many of those moments.., those moments you think.. What have I done or have I been thinking, that created this or that..? They always carry a sense embarance catching them.

But you know... even at the moments things do not go the way they should have gone or where you wanted them to go..

In each of such moments there is always something you can get out of it. You still have the ability to leave such moments with more value adde to you.

Just be in the full awareness that everything can only go bad or worse to a certain amount..And that each experiences contains something priceless & positive that adds value to your being..

Even in the most worst case scenario's..

Even when you know you have to show up, when you kind of already feel/know that probably nobody shows up.. or just 1 person.. Even when you drive home, after a nobody turned up being an audience kind of night, nearly embracing a tree due to a weazle passing right in front of your car and putting all your nerves & senses @ red alert.. Wow pfeww, that was close..

Home coming finding out you left one of your phones at the location and that your baby sitters found your front door opened and your soon to be ex hubby in the house, ignoring and disrespecting all the agreements made earlier on..And last but not least..

Having your lawyer advicing you the next day, to stay at home when your soon to be ex hubby is away with our kids for the entire afternoon and be at home yourself when he's returning the kids.., because he's obviously is not able or mature enough to hold a simple agreement.

Those days that Murphy's Laws are walking right beside you.. Even then You have the ability to take something more out of that situation or those moments, then you had on you when walked into them.

I could feel sorry for myself, I could think my wings are cut off and I'm the woman who can't move.

It's easy to think like that..., it's easy to let go of your vision, idea or focus, it's easy to go sit and cry in a corner and it's easy to give your own responsibility out of your hands or to jump into anxiety and fear of what ever you think you have to face..

It's easy to give in and to give up..

Well according to my humble opinion & my personal habitual essence and experience I state that with easy thinking, you easily give up and with easy acting, you easily let go of your ideas, dreams and desires...

And behaving like that, no body ever won a race, or a competition, invented a light ball.. with acting & behaving easily, you finally easily give up on your dream, idea or desire..

So in other words.., if you skip the thinking/acting/behaving and giving up and in easily part.., basically when you're hungry or passionate enough to go beyond that, you grab yourself and you now can say..and hold on to the idea that..

~~~~ EveryThing IS Possible... ~~~

If All IS One and One IS All, Then One has to Give All,

& NoThing IS Ever Lost..

An Idea is NoThing.. but has Full Potential to become AnyThing..

since basically EveryThing is Already here..

It IS Simply Impossible to loose NoThing, EveryThing or AnyThing that

IS Part from a bigger Part that You are Part of too and vice versa.

(One IS All & All IS One)

Because NoThing, AnyThing & EveryThing IS already here

& NoThing was Ever invented that was Not Possible..,

EveryThing which IS invented, IS Proven to Be Possible

& AnyThing that IS Possible starts with NoThing.. An Idea...

So.... EveryThing IS Possible... Did I say.. Life IS Simple..?

(It IS.. & therefore Complex...)

All IS in One KISS

KISS ME, it's Possible.. Keep It Simple Sunshine, Manifest EveryThing.. It's Possible..

A couple of Years ago.. I ran into Les Brown one of my Mentors. The You Tube Movie on this Blog was what I saw first of him.

My first Idea was.. wow.. This guy I'd like to have a word with, I want to meet this man in person.. The mans who's Favourite One Liners are.., It's Possible... & Regardless Always a Pro

Last year I had the honour to meet Les personally...

While enjoying the Welcome Reception for all Bob Proctors LifeSuccess Consultants being @ LSC Training in Florida, I noticed a man, an obviously belated visitor, entering the Hotel Lobby..

He looked familair and seemed to be on the look out for someone. I walked in him while thinking I know him somewhere from and coming closer I saw who the just arrived guest was.. Les Brown..

I asked him, can I possibly help you and aren't you Les Brown...? (I honestly was totally stunned since I was only the lonely noticing Les Brown, never could have dreamed that...;-o)).. Yes he answered.. I am, with his dark brown voice.

We spoke a bit, about this and that and I told him that I really loved his insight, that he'd been of great value to me and that I gracefully thanked him for being a part of my reality.

Can I give you a great Hug, just for Being Who You Are..? I finally asked.. I got a Big Fat Hug from Mama Browns Baby Boy Less... And you know what he said... last but not least..?

He said.. Wow.. You Really got a Beautiful Voice...

(Good for a Great Jawdropper..@ my side, since my voice is most of the time kind of

After that conversation my New Idea IS, when it comes to Les Brown... One day I'll work with him...

And if you think or embrace the idea that Anything is Possible, then go have a look at THIS....

Your Possibility to draw One Million Dollar in Business Expertise, to gain a Significant Growth in Your Business..

KISS ME, It's Possible.. Regardless Always a Pro... ;-o)x

Wishing you another Wonderful Day, a Day Full of Wonders..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter (What ever Happens Always Keep on Smiling..)


donderdag 5 maart 2009

Birds in the Sky...?

What do you do when You're Hitting Your Financial Bottom..? Looking at birds in the Sky..?

Bob Proctor, one of my favourite mentors in my life, always will ask you.. What is the worst thing that could happen to you.. ?

What is the worst thing that actually could happen to you..? A lot of people would answer that the worst thing would be hitting their financial bottom, in other words to get entirely broke..

Personally I think the worst that could happen to me is that I loose myself, I've been broke several times and going through a divorce isn't making you any richer either. According to my laywer couples divorcing can count on 40% extra in expenses in average..

So Hitting a Financial Bottom is at the moment pretty much my reality and obviously it's hitting the bottom that hard that even my debit card broke down in 3 pieces last weekend... I honestly have to admit.. if I would be in this place a couple of years ago, I think I entirely would have freaked out..

Right Now.., I'm totally calm, I'm totally relaxed, totally Wu Wei and asking myself.. Would my current situation change instantly if I would be entirely f****d about something stupid like money or finances, don't think so.. Would yours..? Don't think so either.. So, what do you do.. ?

You see, being broke is for me only a temporary situation..! Being broke is for you a temporary situation too. It can happen to you sometimes, it can happen to you many times, it can happen to anyone and you know what.. ?

Is it the worse thing that could happen to me.. ? No way..., you see.. I'm still breathing, I still have enough to share, I still have enough to give, I still have enough to eat, I have my incredible four, I still have enough to laugh about, I am healthy, I have enough to love or to give love to & I still do everything I want to do and love to do most..

I'm alive, kicking and as always living on the edge.. and most important.. I have myself on the left, I have myself on the right & I have myself in the middle..

Yes...., It is an exiting journey, I took this turn and I still enjoy every minute of it..!!

So, despite my financial bottom, I still feel incredibly wealthy & I am incredibly wealthy because of it.. The situation I am in right now, makes me thinking of things that I might never have thought about if I wasn't in this particular situation..

The reason I'm in this situation is because of myself.. After all, it's my decision.. I decided to get into a divorce.. I mean, I could have it all and I had it all.

Well, having it all made me end up living in a Golden Cage, but having myself is giving me freedom. I rather have myself then I would live under suspicion, being controlled & being screwed after all.. I'm a free spirit, I belong to myself and to nobody else.

One side of the Coin is that I am kind of in this situation due to my own decision.. I decided to cut off my marriage and thinking... Hmmm was there really someone else in the house living with me..? Wondering that there is nothing I miss, I'm wonderfully well all by myself & obviously I'm better on my own..

the Other side of the Coin is
that, due to my decision I got so many things in gear, got things moving.. So.., It's not that I'm looking into a very financial black hole or something..

The reason is, that I'm already in the middle of one.. It's just something to consider.., when you're hitting you're financial bottom.. ; You can not go any deeper then the bottom of your financial blackhole, unless you start digging one hole with another..

So being here at my temporary financial bottom, I look up and I see bright light.. I also see many birds in the sky and having some in my hands getting about ready to start laying their eggs.. You see an old Dutch saying my grandfather many times referred to, says;

“You rather have One Bird in Your Hand, then 10 in the Sky.. “

I grew up with this saying on a plate, in Delfts Blue, on the wall of my grandparents house.. and every time when I would play in the hall way, that plate was in my face..

I'm looking at it differently now.., if there are no Birds in the Sky.., how will they ever end up in your hands.. ?

In other words, there have to be Birds in the Sky first, before you can hold them in your hands. Period. When you have them in your hands, they're in your hands.. End of story.. But is that what you're looking for?

Personally..., I'd rather nourish them, so they give me their eggs.. having one bird in your hand is something, having it laying precious golden eggs is something different, it's a process that takes time.. You could put it under pressure if you wanted, but you still have to be aware of what results that will bring.. most of the time birds get stressed out and fail to lay an egg..

It's the Law of Gender & Gestation at work.. I mean I can jump around wanting my birds to lay their eggs instantly, but.. I think they'd rather fly away and find a place elsewhere to lay their eggs.

So I'm calmly and relaxed, keeping my birds in my hands, nourish them, keep them warm and cosy, talk to them & whispering softly that I love them and thank them for the experience and taking care of them in the knowing the egg process is evolving day by day.. knowing one day I'll wake up and see the eggs that I intended to have, are in my hands..

So what do you do, when you're hitting Your Financial Bottom.. You look for Birds in the Sky, you make them land in your hands, you nourish them and give them what they want, so they will give you the wanted eggs..

And if you're really smart.. You'd nourish the eggs too.. At least, I would.. ;-o)x

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter

PS.. Look here.. I see a Bird Flying in the Sky.. You might wanna have a look at these Birds, you can hold them in Your hands..if you wish to..

donderdag 29 januari 2009

Under Your Skin...

With becoming more aware, more intuitive you'll start to notice that you perceive things differently...

You make different decisions and the decisions you make are taken in a different way, they're a mixture of the synchronicities the Universe shows you, merged with a certain knowing, blend with your soul purpose & worthy ideals conceived to that what makes you thick.

The decision you make are made in a way that they clearly benefit a greater meaning to your life, they benefit the bigger picture.. Life is about decision making, there is no other way to move forward you see..

You either do this or you choose that, there is always a decision to be made. It's even a decision to make no decision, the only thing with that is that you'll be put on hold..You'll stay in between and nothing really happens..

No, a decision is about choice, about free will & love, it's about where do you choose for, it's about to cut things off and let nothing else come in between...

But to really cut things off, for the reason of choice that is in favour of your decision, that particular reason has got to be under your skin.. A decision take from that point of view is always a connected decision taken from the heart of hearts. There is simply no other way to make a proper decision.

And to make a proper decision you include the points given to you, once you get more aware you start to see the synchronicities, you start to see the bigger picture, in a way you could say.. You start to see the stepstones through life..

Maybe you remember the movies of Indiana Jones.. At some point in one of them he has to cross a ravine. With all the blind faith he can grab together he's pushed according the circumstances to make the decision to move forward. Being earlier said to him that he should have faith and that the bridge to cross would be shown to him..

He set one step forward and what happens.. The first step he takes is not making him tumbling down into the ravine but is steadily caring his foot followed by his body and he's able to walk and move forward..

Making a guided decision is kind of similar process.. once made there's a way to follow, a path leading you towards where you want to go.. even when you leave people behind you know it's good...

Decisions like that can be hard, though to go through, fearful or even heart breaking....

Due to the fact they serve a larger benefit, it's best choice for all involved and will keep you on the road to where you really want to be, you make them. All from the point and the plane of plenty.. and knowing there is a time for everything and a reason for everything, for every person, for every experience, for every decision..

Just knowing that when the time is there, everything, every person, every situation who touched your soul or is encraved in your heart, what ever you ever left behind due to a guided decision will be looking around the corner again.. Have faith in your guided decision.. I do, because I know...

It's got to be under your walk the extra mile and connected to the heart of hearts to hold on...and to be able to really cut things off...

If not, a decision is poorly taken when you come back to it.. You step back into your C-Zone, you let yourself pulling downwards by others who mock you, ridicule your decision or try to manipulate you.. you start to look for arguments why you came back at it...

But it's you, you're the only person who made the decision... When something can come in between...If you are coming back to your decision.. you just know.. it's wasn't a guided decision....Why?

A really guided decision makes you step through every possible boundary & every thinkable C-Zone.. Nothing can come in between, no situation, no person, no thing.... You keep on going until you are precisely there where you really want to be.. because there is nothing else you can think about.. it's under your skin..

It's got to be under your skin, whatever you do..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


zondag 25 januari 2009

Cup Cake

You're a Cup Cake..

What ever you think you are... You're a Cup Cake..I know, right now you think.. I am what..?

You read it good, you're a Cup Cake..

Let me explain a bit here.. If you are born, you're like a blanc page to this Universe, the world we live in..

You are in the possesion of a small body, that can literally learn anything it wants to learn, that is open and ready to receive and build programs for daily use in daily life.

The body you posses, is build out of new fresh constructed blanco cells initiated by 2 very small energy particals only visible through a strong microscope.

You might consider them like 2 small kind of microchips carrying all the information about your father and your mother until that particular moment available, including all their beliefs, likes, dislikes, communication styles, behaviour, looks, measurements, just every bit and piece of information about your mom and dad is on those two cells...

When you are born and just facing this world, your body is able to feel but lacks the ability to explain, your body is able to move but lacks the ability to move coördinated along the given thought to do so..etc etc...

This is you, this is me, this is him, her, them, they and everyone else..

Once you where a similar blanc page...

You could say, you where like an empty cup.. having enough empty space for all kinds of ingredients to settle and blend to become the Cup Cake you are today..

Never thought about it..?

In fact... You are nothing more nothing less then the sum of every idea, belief, behaviour, condition & thoughts you have either accepted or who where a part of your daily environment where you grew up or hung around...

The key question is here.. is being the cup cake who you are suiting you..? Are you satisfied with your life..? Are you satisfied with the results you are getting along living it..?

Are you...? I'm not. I'm never satified..

I mean.. common.. satisfied..? Would you really want to be satisfied if you would know where it led you..? Personally..., I don't think so..

Have you ever looked around you and noticed all these incredible inventions we are surrounded with..? What is the main reason we have all these inventions..? Satisfaction..?

Satisfaction to me is like a coma to real life, satisfaction is like putting a hold, a ceiling, on your personal growth, development and therefor in your expression and expansion of your desires, wants & c-zones..

It's too comfortable, to be satisfied.. it's not going to take you somewhere else then where you are right now.. To my personal feeling it's one of the worst things to be satified, it's a dangerous place to hang out......

I am Grateful. I am grateful for all that I have, for all that I may experience, for every thought I get, for every person I meet, for everything I have, for everything I ever may have, get or want or meet... Just for everything I am grateful. Not satisfied..

So being the Cup Cake who I was did not satisfy me, not when I was doing gymnastics, not when I was performing dance or sport aerobics, not when I was inventing glow in the dark piercings, and not nowadays with all the things I do...

It's why I still make the progress I make... it's why I still expand in awareness, knowledge and wisdom, it's why I still have a greater and increasing ability to express myself... It's why I keep getting better and better at things, it's why I am spiraling upwards and onwards...

Always renewing the cup cake who I am, cause old cup cakes just don't taste that good as fresh baked ones... agreed..?

Become a Fresh Cup Cake.. You'll taste better & life will be sweeter to you...

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


donderdag 22 januari 2009

Heart of Hearts...

When I was a child and someone really had hurt my feelings very deeply, when I felt really sad and blue... or alone...I could feel it in my heart.. like it was schrinking & left a whole behind..if you felt it deep in your soul..

Like that particular place, where your heart is, said; I'm the connection between the soul & your body...

The first time I saw Paul Martinelli telling about the heart of hearts, the place where the soul is seated according to the ancient Greek.. that feeling was instantly I got to think about..

Now.., I think that the soul is seated in every cell of my body but I also think that the centre of the soul IS in your heart, like it's one of the main centres in your physical body that keeps it alive and connected to your soul..

As you know, without a heartbeat you can be pretty but you're dropdead gorgeous..

I mean when you're happy and feeling good, you feel it in every cell of your body.. You feel bliss and you feel glory, you feel like you're bursting of energy like the sun shines from your belly. You feel energetic like you could tackle the entire world in one slice.. It makes you move, it makes you want to spread the word..

Happiness is a key factor in my life, I'm a very happy person by nature...Where does my happiness come from..? Honestly it comes from just being grateful for all that just is... once you're on that plane, you start to notice all magic & miracles in life dear.. ..;-o)

I feel very grateful for all that I am, I am that, I am...for all, each and everything that I experience, for all that I have and for all that I can give..When I wake up in the morning, ready to start a new day, I open my eyes and think... This day is going to bring me another wonderful miraculous adventure.

It makes me happy to see how wonderful everything just is. Nothing more, nothing less. Period.

All by myself I am like Alice in Wonderland... I see the wonders, I see the miracles & the magic.. and I love it. I love to wake up in the morning and hear the birds singing their song for me. Seeing the first morning light, or just looking at the sky and see the most fantastic creatures appearing with you look at the clouds..

Or when you think about someone who passed away and just when you turn on the radio, that particular song both of you loved is played.. your child who wakes up and tells you the bést mommy they ever got (like they have at least a dozen more in the closet), the water that comes just straight from the tap, all the inventions you think about; how in heavens name could one think of something like that.. just Miraculous..

Believe me, there IS so much to be grateful for, just only for the fact it IS there.. or it isn't even there and still IS...That makes you think... At least, that makes me think...if it's there without even being there, then what's more..?

There is so much more... and you'll find it only if you let you guide yourself through your heart of hearts..

Listen to that little voice, that voice you probably most of the time push away..(as I did before too) In the sense that your ratio takes the overhand.. you start to realize things.. well a wise man once said to me.. Rea Lies to the Mind..

I have to admit, that oneliner got me many hours to think about it... To come to the final conclusion that Rea indeed IS lying to the mind... it's a bigger truth then you might recognize at the moment...

That's all..

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter
