
zondag 25 januari 2009

Cup Cake

You're a Cup Cake..

What ever you think you are... You're a Cup Cake..I know, right now you think.. I am what..?

You read it good, you're a Cup Cake..

Let me explain a bit here.. If you are born, you're like a blanc page to this Universe, the world we live in..

You are in the possesion of a small body, that can literally learn anything it wants to learn, that is open and ready to receive and build programs for daily use in daily life.

The body you posses, is build out of new fresh constructed blanco cells initiated by 2 very small energy particals only visible through a strong microscope.

You might consider them like 2 small kind of microchips carrying all the information about your father and your mother until that particular moment available, including all their beliefs, likes, dislikes, communication styles, behaviour, looks, measurements, just every bit and piece of information about your mom and dad is on those two cells...

When you are born and just facing this world, your body is able to feel but lacks the ability to explain, your body is able to move but lacks the ability to move coördinated along the given thought to do so..etc etc...

This is you, this is me, this is him, her, them, they and everyone else..

Once you where a similar blanc page...

You could say, you where like an empty cup.. having enough empty space for all kinds of ingredients to settle and blend to become the Cup Cake you are today..

Never thought about it..?

In fact... You are nothing more nothing less then the sum of every idea, belief, behaviour, condition & thoughts you have either accepted or who where a part of your daily environment where you grew up or hung around...

The key question is here.. is being the cup cake who you are suiting you..? Are you satisfied with your life..? Are you satisfied with the results you are getting along living it..?

Are you...? I'm not. I'm never satified..

I mean.. common.. satisfied..? Would you really want to be satisfied if you would know where it led you..? Personally..., I don't think so..

Have you ever looked around you and noticed all these incredible inventions we are surrounded with..? What is the main reason we have all these inventions..? Satisfaction..?

Satisfaction to me is like a coma to real life, satisfaction is like putting a hold, a ceiling, on your personal growth, development and therefor in your expression and expansion of your desires, wants & c-zones..

It's too comfortable, to be satisfied.. it's not going to take you somewhere else then where you are right now.. To my personal feeling it's one of the worst things to be satified, it's a dangerous place to hang out......

I am Grateful. I am grateful for all that I have, for all that I may experience, for every thought I get, for every person I meet, for everything I have, for everything I ever may have, get or want or meet... Just for everything I am grateful. Not satisfied..

So being the Cup Cake who I was did not satisfy me, not when I was doing gymnastics, not when I was performing dance or sport aerobics, not when I was inventing glow in the dark piercings, and not nowadays with all the things I do...

It's why I still make the progress I make... it's why I still expand in awareness, knowledge and wisdom, it's why I still have a greater and increasing ability to express myself... It's why I keep getting better and better at things, it's why I am spiraling upwards and onwards...

Always renewing the cup cake who I am, cause old cup cakes just don't taste that good as fresh baked ones... agreed..?

Become a Fresh Cup Cake.. You'll taste better & life will be sweeter to you...

Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter


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